Dr. Tom Holt Family Dentistry, a dedicated member of the community, brought back the I AM... photo shoot and exhibit! I AM... is an exciting opportunity to talk about diversity in a new and meaningful way and is a platform for students and teachers at The Lighthouse School, Sunset Middle Schoool, and Marshfield High School to celebrate their identity. The campaign creates conversations around what diversity means, who defines it, and what we can do to broaden the acceptance among family, friends, and in the community.
Dr. Holt Family Dentistry transformed the Coos Art Museum into the powerful I AM... Exhibit and almost 700 participants, their family, friends and the community celebrated what I AM... Coos Bay and North Bend means!
The Lighthouse School Sunset Middle School Marshfield High School I AM... Exhibit - Photo Booth“I am hopeful people will understand we are all one race. Not defined by your skin color or ethnicity.”
North Bend High School
“I hope this campaign will help to show how diverse the community is and help people accept each other for who they are.”
North Bend High School
“I hope this campaign will make people aware that diversity enriches us all. It is because of our differences that we are unique and special.”
Teacher at Sunset Middle School
Want to be a part of the
I AM... campaign?
Let us know!
Be a part of I AM...
I AM… is inviting members of the community to continue the dialogue and be a part of the campaign by creating their own I AM... photo and sharing their photo on Instagram with the hashtag #iamcoosbay or #iamnorthbend.