For Teacher Appreciation Day we invited members of the community to nominate a teacher to win an Amazon gift card for needed school supplies. A big congratulations to Mary Margaret who gives her...
A big, colorful, congratulations to Tammy, who won our Next Picasso contest! We love to support artists in our community and can't wait to see what Brooklyn whips up with her Crayola art...
We are celebrating bringing siblings together and our commitment treating families! We wanted to congratulate Maggie on winning our Family Ties contest and the $100 gift card for Delta Airlines. We...
A big, colorful, congratulations to Tammy, who won our Next Picasso contest! We love to support artists in our community and can't wait to see what Brooklyn whips up with her Crayola art supplies. At...
We survived! The summer is coming to an end and no one melted. We loved seeing how all of you kept cool, we got some great photos. The winner of Keepin' Cool has been drawn. Congratulations to Ashlee...
At Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry we know you don’t have to be Superman or Wonder Woman to be a superhero. We are grateful for everyone who gives acts of kindness and a helping hand. Dr Tom...
The dust is settled on another year of celebrating our nation’s independence. We definitely took the time relax and have fun, and hope all of you did as well. The winner has been drawn for our Red,...
It’s officially summer and it’s getting hot! As temperatures soar we are all finding ways to chill, literally. Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry knows our community is home to all sorts of fun, easy...
Light up the sky and eat some apple pie. It’s that time of year to ring in summer and celebrate our country in a time-honored tradition, and we can’t wait! Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry knows...
Mother’s Day was upon us, and we knew our loving community would want to pay tribute to their mothers. We asked for photos of all the lovely mothers out there and the response was amazing. There...
We love seeing your smile! As we go about our day-to-day activities, we encounter so many things that make us smile and make our day better, brighter, and happier. Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry wants...
You friends are important, life wouldn’t be the same without them. We celebrated friendship in our community and it was such a pleasure to see all the wonderful photos of you all enjoying one...
As we looked forward to the beginning of Spring, we wanted to know all the ways our community stays active. From roller skating and dog walking to farming, we were pleased to see all the great ways...
Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry is celebrating moms of all kinds and the amazing influence they are in our lives, for a lifetime of love, their care and commitment and defining everything that family...
We are celebrating those friends in your life who have been your rock and foundation. They are there when you need them, for the big moments and the small ones, and they are always up for new...
Dr Holt is famous! We are happy to share that Dr Holt was recently featured in a Western Oregon Advanced Health ad where he spoke about the Ready To Smile program for improving oral health in...
Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry transformed Coos Art Museum into a photo gallery, displaying and celebrating the I AM... photos of students and teachers from The Lighthouse School, Sunset Middle School...
At Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry, your overall health is important to us. We know this time of year is packed with sports from basketball, swimming, and wrestling to the start of outdoor activities....
Our 2nd Annual I AM... Exhibit was on February 3rd at the Coos Art Museum and Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry had the honor of being featured on KCBY! The short segment details the event and what...
Last November, we invited patients and members of the community to share with us what they are most thankful for! It was not easy to pick a winner. We received so many wonderful photos of family and...
Recently, Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry brought I AM... back to Coos Bay and North Bend. We had a great time with the students and teachers of the Lighthouse School, Sunset Middle School, and North...
As we look forward to a new year at Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry, we are finding ways to recognize and share the hopes of our team, patients and community in 2017. We are eager to have a year full of...
We are very excited to share with our loyal patients and members of the community that our very own Dr Tom Holt was recently featured in the Oregon Dental Association's magazine. The feature details...
We love this magical time of year! ‘Tis the season for hot chocolate with little marshmallows, caroling, playing in the snow, big holiday feasts, and bringing family and friends together. Dr Tom...
In the time of year when the little ones prepare to get back to school, we asked members of the community to submit a photo of their first day of school! We got a lot of great submissions. Picking a...
Last month, Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry got into the spirit of Halloween and asked our wonderful community to share their fun, creative costumes with us! We loved looking at all the photos...
It’s the time of year when friends and family come together and at Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry we are taking the opportunity to focus on giving thanks. We are inviting our patients and...
Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry is getting into the Halloween spirit with hot apple cider, carving pumpkins and finding the perfect costume. We know that enjoying ooey, gooey, delicious candy is part of...
We are always happy to provide emergency services. In fact, we had an unexpected visitor who came in for some much needed dental work. Clefairy from Pokémon was in the neighborhood and knew that the...
We invited patients and members of the community to celebrate and honor their own dad by sharing a favorite “Dad” photo. The Melton family won a "Man Crate" packed with brag-worthy goodies and...
We are inviting patients and members of the community to share a picture of their first day of school (or close to it) on Instagram with the hashtag #holtbacktoschool or on our Facebook page. We will...
We are inviting patients and members of the community to share a picture from their family vacation, past or present, on Instagram with the hashtag #holtsummervacations. We will choose a photo and...
At Dr. Holt Family Dentistry, we believe that Father’s Day should be more than one day a year so we are spending the month of July celebrating the difference Dads can make in our lives, at home and...
Dr. Tom Holt Family Dentistry is excited to announce the launch of our brand new website! Take a moment to watch our commercial, meet our team, learn more about our services and request more...