Keepin' Cool
It’s officially summer and it’s getting hot! As temperatures soar we are all finding ways to chill, literally.
Dr Tom Holt Family Dentistry knows our community is home to all sorts of fun, easy ways to keep cool. From local ice cream shops and trips to our favorite beach to big, floppy hats, we know you’ll find the perfect way to beat the heat. Post a picture of how you like to keep cool to our Facebook page or on Instagram using the hashtag #holtkeepsitcool for the chance to win a $50 gift card to BJ’s Ice Cream Parlor. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page to see the winning photo at the end of the contest and to take a look at all the photos of our team and members of the community having fun in the sun, head over to our website. Now the biggest question is what yummy flavor of ice cream or froyo you’re going to enjoy!