A dental bridge is an option to replace one or more missing teeth. The bridge is secured to the teeth on either side of the missing tooth and is cemented into placed, i.e. not removable like a partial denture. The bridge is very strong and can be chewed on like natural teeth. Dental bridges often last many years (often much longer than a decade) and require little additional maintenance than natural teeth.
Crowns are used to restore missing tooth structure and provide greater support for teeth at risk of fracturing. Teeth that are cracked, decayed, or weakened by large fillings are carefully prepared to preserve their function. Dr. Tom Holt Family Dentistry takes special care to make sure any dental treatment you receive looks and feels natural. Impressions and measurements are then taken to ensure a natural-looking desired result is achieved. Dr. Tom Holt Family Dentistry can create a crown that fits your teeth and mouth precisely, and maintain your comfort throughout the process. We use many specific protocols to decrease the risk of sensitivity both during and after the appointment. All temporary crowns created at Dr. Tom Holt Family Dentistry fit well and look great.
Dr. Tom Holt Family Dentistry uses “tooth colored” composite fillings to restore teeth with cavities, chipping or notching, and to replace old amalgam “silver” fillings. We not only use composite fillings to correct cavities in newly damaged teeth, we can also replace your old amalgam fillings for a younger looking, healthier smile.
The longevity of your restoration is approximately 10 to 15 years. Of course a healthy diet, regular checkups, brushing and flossing are a must. At times a small problem can develop around the fillings that, when detected at an early stage, can be easily repaired. Waiting for a longer time to repair may require a new filling or an indirect filling (onlay or crown). It is a safe, affordable and attractive solution for many dental problems.
Inlays and onlays are often referred to as partial crowns. They use the existing tooth as a base and fit the inlay or onlay onto the tooth. This is done to strengthen the tooth, restore its shape and prevent further damage. An inlay is done when there is no damage to the cusps of the tooth and the inlay can be placed right on the tooth. An inlay is used when the damage is a little more extensive. Your tooth will look natural.
Root canal therapy is a procedure performed to relieve pain and sensitivity associated with infection of the nerves and blood vessels found in the center of the tooth. Infected nerve tissue is removed, the canal is cleaned and disinfected, and then sealed with a dental material. Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy often require a crown which will protect the remaining tooth structure and prevent any fractures. If left untreated, infection can lead to a painful abscess and loss of supporting bone around the tooth. Root canal therapy can relieve you of pain caused by infection and allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without any pain or sensitivity from heat or cold.